Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


General assembly

On Wednesday, the 8th of October, 2014, a General Assembly of the student company Eaglet was held. A few suggestions for the future management and the operation of this new company were presented to the shareholders. The present shareholders have 70% of all of the votes.
The initial welcome was followed by an approval of the program and the election authorities of the General Assembly. Next, the management of the student company presented drafts of bills, business plans, and the design and election of the Supervisory Board. All of the proposals were approved and there was an open debate which successfully closed the meeting. All proposals were approved and there was a debate which succesfully closed the meeting.

text: Valentína Grendová, Radka Grendová, 4. B
photo: Eaglet

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Valné zhromaždenie

Dňa 8. októbra 2014 sa uskutočnilo Valné zhromaždenie študentskej spoločnosti Eaglet, na ktorom akcionárom predniesli niekoľko návrhov vedenia a fungovania tejto novej spoločnosti. Účasť akcionárov bola 70 percentná.
Po úvodnom privítaní nasledovalo schválenie programu a voľba orgánov valného zhromaždenia. Ďalej prítomným akcionárom predstavili návrhy stanov, podnikateľského plánu, navrhli a zvolili dozornú radu. Všetky návrhy boli úspešne schválené a v závere podujatia sa uskutočnila otvorená diskusia.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk